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VILNA (VILNIAUS) GHETTO, LITHUANIA, ARREST ORDER, DATED 10th AUGUST 1942. A pre-printed postcard, of the "Wilnaer Ghettooverwaltung / Arbeitsabteilung", the Vilna Ghetto Management / Labor Department. This from was used here as an official ":Arrestbefehl", Arrest Order, by the "Arbeitspolizei / Ghetto Wilna", the Vilna Ghetto Labor Police, (as cachet top left in red, in Geman and Lithuanian) dated 10 August 1942.
The document states that; "(The Jewess) Chaja Files of 15 Pudomikor street, flat 5, a member of the 'Giesler Construction Group' evaded her duty. Hence she should be arrested for 24 hours. Signed by the officer in harge of the Labor Police, and directed to theofficer in charge of the Ghetto Jail."
It should be noted that in that time theghetto was productiv, and that most of the Jews worked in various workshops and plants inside as well as outside the ghetto for the German war effort.

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