HONG KONG 1936, 1st air mail to Australia from Hong Kong on 27.3.36 by Dorado The cover included as Figure 2 addressed to Brisbane, Australia was posted at the GPO on 26 March 1936. It was also part of the mail flown by Dorado to Penang the following day. It was then flown by the Imperial Airways IE429 service from Penang to Singapore on the AW15 Athena. There it was transferred to the DH 86 City of Brisbane, which flew it to Darwin, leaving Singapore on 30 March (it was running late because of a delay at Karachi caused by engine trouble) and arriving at Darwin on the following day after an overnight stop at Rambang. From there it was flown on 1 April to Brisbane by the DH 86 City of Melbourne, arriving there on 2 April after an overnight stop at Longreach. The cover is correctly franked at 80c (½ ounce rate by Imperial Airways to Australia as set down in Government Notification No. 266 of 1936).