Auction #38: Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Worldwide Coins & Worldwide Banknotes
This auction features Worldwide Postal History Especially Holyland Foreruners Postcards And Covers, Large Collection Of Gold Coins From All Over The World. And Huge Amount Of Banknotes. Other Interesting Items Included As Well.
- (-) Remove The State Of Israel filter The State Of Israel
- 1954 - 2008 (15) Apply 1954 - 2008 filter
- Definitive Stamps Varieties (19) Apply Definitive Stamps Varieties filter
- Doar Ivri 1948 (26) Apply Doar Ivri 1948 filter
- Israel Arab Conflict (5) Apply Israel Arab Conflict filter
- Israel Booklets (1) Apply Israel Booklets filter
- Israel Early Issues 1948 - 1953 (53) Apply Israel Early Issues 1948 - 1953 filter
- Israel Essays, Proofs & Design Art Work (23) Apply Israel Essays, Proofs & Design Art Work filter
- Israel Government Revenues (2) Apply Israel Government Revenues filter
- Israel Miscellaneous (3) Apply Israel Miscellaneous filter
- Israel Plate Blocks (1) Apply Israel Plate Blocks filter
- Israel Postage Due (7) Apply Israel Postage Due filter
- Israel Sheets (5) Apply Israel Sheets filter
- Israel Sticker Label Stamps (2) Apply Israel Sticker Label Stamps filter
- Israel Tab Blocks (2) Apply Israel Tab Blocks filter
- Israeliana (2) Apply Israeliana filter
- Postal History (2) Apply Postal History filter
- Souvenir Leaves (9) Apply Souvenir Leaves filter
DESIGN PROOFS of Israel STAMPS and COVER of 2004 "Red Sea Fish' Motif w/ARTIST's Signature
Israel 1948 - UNISSUED OF ARMY POST STAMPS -- hand-painted Artist's drawing in indian ink and Chinese white showing the Haganah Emblem, David Star and denomination "15", size 91 x 170mm., on creme-colored card, size 135x227 mm. Stuck on white card with off-white backing, size 181x255mm, Signed at bottom in block ink by Otto Wallish, the designer. includ P. Certificate H. MUENTZ.
Israel 1948. First Festival "NewYear" stamps original hand drawing Artists Artwork for the official FDC. Values in the Adopted colors. Signed by the designer O. Wallish.
Includ Intercity registered express first day cover from Hakirya (Tel Aviv)-26.09.1948 to Jerusalem. Franked with set stamps " New Year" of sum 103 mils.
Israel 1949 - SECOND FESTIVAL, hand-painted artist's sketch (adopted design) of the 10 pr. stamp with full tab, size 92 x 145 mm, in shades of green with mock-up perforation on thick creme - colored card with gray backing, size 170x222mm. Signed in Hebrew by the designer, M. Shamir. includ P. Certificate H. MUENTZ.
Israel POSTAGE STAMPS, Artist's SKETCHES in blk/white and colour, "ZEHAVIT FLOWER", non-denominational for inland letters, Motif Flower, all sheets signed by Artist
Israel POSTAGE STAMPS, Artist's Sketches of the 1983 issue of "BEES", motif: bee,honeycomb and flowers, all sheets signed by Artist
ISRAEL. COLLECTION of "Preliminary Pencil Drawings and Sketches" in black & white and colour, for issue of Israel Postage Stamps. Include preliminary setup of parts for the artwork, pencil drawings for the sketch, final pencil drawings and alternative sketches, original artwork after corrections, original colour designs submitted, presentation of the printing process and poster colour separation, final designers proofs. Also include colour proof of Painting by the Israeli painter "Ludwig Blum. DORA BEN-DOV, KALDERON, SHAMIR, SCHWARZ, SAGI, PESSAH and S.KETTER, WISHOFF, HECT, GILBOA, AHARON, FARAG, ROITMAN DAVID-BEN. also include his autograph. Total of 38 different items
Trail print for complete tab rows. 3,5 and 10mil. Drawing for lilac (redish) 10 mil "Doar Ivri stamps.
1948 Helmet essay in red, Bale: ESA.-v. A pair of stamps with a margin on the right v.f., rare.Cat $600
1948 Helmet essay in red, Bale: ESA.-v. margins on the left v.f., rare. Cat $300.