Auction #38: Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Worldwide Coins & Worldwide Banknotes
This auction features Worldwide Postal History Especially Holyland Foreruners Postcards And Covers, Large Collection Of Gold Coins From All Over The World. And Huge Amount Of Banknotes. Other Interesting Items Included As Well.
- (-) Remove The State Of Israel filter The State Of Israel
- 1954 - 2008 (15) Apply 1954 - 2008 filter
- Definitive Stamps Varieties (19) Apply Definitive Stamps Varieties filter
- Doar Ivri 1948 (26) Apply Doar Ivri 1948 filter
- Israel Arab Conflict (5) Apply Israel Arab Conflict filter
- Israel Booklets (1) Apply Israel Booklets filter
- Israel Early Issues 1948 - 1953 (53) Apply Israel Early Issues 1948 - 1953 filter
- Israel Essays, Proofs & Design Art Work (23) Apply Israel Essays, Proofs & Design Art Work filter
- Israel Government Revenues (2) Apply Israel Government Revenues filter
- Israel Miscellaneous (3) Apply Israel Miscellaneous filter
- Israel Plate Blocks (1) Apply Israel Plate Blocks filter
- Israel Postage Due (7) Apply Israel Postage Due filter
- Israel Sheets (5) Apply Israel Sheets filter
- Israel Sticker Label Stamps (2) Apply Israel Sticker Label Stamps filter
- Israel Tab Blocks (2) Apply Israel Tab Blocks filter
- Israeliana (2) Apply Israeliana filter
- Postal History (2) Apply Postal History filter
- Souvenir Leaves (9) Apply Souvenir Leaves filter
1971, Massad Labels lot of two FDC of 17/6/91. Bale: M.-14.Very rare
1995, Jerusalem 3000 Exhibition Bale: M.4 set of 6 strips of 10. In each row 10 stamps each row a different date and a different ire in the days of the exhibition.
Another series with Europe Day and the Day of the Telchard Date 19.12.1995, same date. ERROR.
1988 - 1998, A collection of sample (SPECIMEN) souvenir leaves pages includes 57 diff pages, includ pege #18, 25, 108, 197, 223, 302,. Estimated price about $ 2,000. The entire collection is organized by Lindner Albums.
2001, Jubilee of the Exodus of the Iraqi Jews. Set of 3 souvenir lesf Carmek Cat: 404, 405, and 406. $960.
A Souvenir leaf 120 years of Nahalat Shiva, (5749-1989) 1869-1989. Carmel cat # 56. $700
A souvenir of the Education Exhibition in Israel 1995. Dedicated to Yitzhak Rabin. Carmel cat # 209. $1250.
Collection of Souvenir Leaves Pages 1998-2008 Organized in 2 Lindner Albums The collection includes 70 pages of the addendum example 6a+b, 7a+b, 8a+b, 17a, 35a, 42a, 46a+b, 88a, 89a, 237a,. Total Catalog price value $25,499
Collection Souvenir Leaves 1988-2008 organized five albums of Lindnir 494 different pages including 6. 7. 8. 17, 18. 19. 24. 25. 45. 50, 102. 116, 119. 128. 195. 197. 203. 209. 213. 236. 302. 366. 470. 513. includ Beilinson Hospital (Children's Medical Center) No. 0188, FD pmks 30.04.1989; vf & Rare, And more. $112.246. (includ list of No).
Collection Souvenir Leaves 1988-2008 organized five albums of Lindnir 210 different pages
Souvenir Leaf 1990, THE MONUMENT TO THE FALLEN OF THE ARTILLERY CORPS. Carmel cat # 71a. $340
1954 POSTAGE STAMP "7TH NEW YEAR (5715) Issue" BA-100, M