Auction No. 44
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Lot 583
First flights & commercial flights
Canada Imperial Airways Cover, First East bound Flight Montreal Aug. 10 1939 to Calcutta British India. Rated 30c per half ounce trans-Atlantic airmail fee
flat rate of 30c per half ounce that included both Trans-Atlantic airmail by Pan-American Airways to Lisbon, rail and ferry to London then B.O.A.C. to India.
Lot 584
First flights & commercial flights
South West Africa 1931-1932, group of 7 airmail Reg. covers posted for Windhoek ; Keetmanshoop and Mariental mostly in South west Africa. covers franked w. triangles imperf & perf and airmail stamps. all with airmail cds. Reg, receipt tied onto one of the covers to Cape town along w. Africa - India airmail label.
Lot 585
First flights & commercial flights
South Africa 1930 // 1931 group of 7 airmail covers all franked w. 1930 overprinted S.W.A. 4d. stamp #C1, locally posted , airmail labels
Lot 586
First flights & commercial flights
Japan 1904 // 1928 , group of 11 airmail covers, small variety of stamps and cancellations. incl. Tokyo - Osaka route.
Lot 587
First flights & commercial flights

South Africa 1929 // 1938 group of 10 airmail covers to England and India. incl. A 1932 "Houses of Parliament" (Parlementshuis) cds for May 17, 1932 to DE AAR Signed on back by the pilot ; Two Reg. airmail covers from Johannesburg and Cape town bearing print errors on the 4d airmail stamp (x3) ; 1938 Ocean letter G.P.O. Bombay to Calcutta .
Lot 588
First flights & commercial flights
Zanzibar 1936-1937 turn of year Registered airmail nicely cancelled cover to Calcutta India . franked w. Zanzibar 1936 set of 4 Scott #214-217, transit Nairobi Jan 3, 1937 cds on reverse, along w. other postmarks.
Lot 589
First flights & commercial flights

South Africa 1925 - 1938, group of 10 airmail covers to India and England incl. A "Houses of Parliament" (Parlementshuis) cds for May 17, 1932 to DE AAR signed on back; 2 Reg Airmail covers with 4d airmail stamp w. print errors (x3); Ocean letter G.P.O.Bombay to Calcutta and others.
Lot 590
First flights & commercial flights
South Africa 1931-1937, group of 11 Airmail covers to England and India bearing diff stamps:
S.W.A 1931 10d Air Black & Purple-Brown SG87, block of 4;
S.W.A 1931 3d Air Brown & Blue SG86 (x4);
S.W.A 1930 4d (x5) ; 1/ Airmails SG70-71;
S.W.A 1937 1 1/2d Purple-Brown SG96, block of 4
1937 King George VI Sc# 125-132 , set of pairs
Triangles 4d. - imperf and perf w. two types ovpt.
Attractive use of Imperial Airways Air Mails, first flights Reg. etc.'
Lot 591
First flights & commercial flights

Belgium 1931 // 1937, group of 7 covers and a postcard posted to England and India incl. : 1933 cover with "Utilisez la Poste Aerienne" bi-lingual slogan cancel with outline of airplane ; 1932 cover with "Utilisez la Poste Aerienne" bi-lingual slogan cancel with black airplane; 1931 Francis Field authentication hand stamp on card to Paris and back; 1937 HALT card to Calcutta; 1937 Bruxelles to Calcutta via Karakachi with a flight cancelled box cachet; and multi franking airmails.
Lot 592
First flights & commercial flights

Belgium, 1931 // 1937, group of 8 airmail covers, transit and arrival cds on back.
- 1931 Exhibition cds tying mixed franking of 1930 airmail 50 and cats of Arms 2c locally posted.
- 1932 (Nov 28) First flight Antwerpen to London,
- 1933 First flight Bruxelles to London
- 1933 (March 5) Bruxelles to Calcutta , air mail leg at Karachi was canceled (box cachet on front)
- 1935 Reg. airmail Bruxelles to Calcutta heavily franked.
- 1937 (Nov 12) Vise to Calcutta cover bearing full set of Prince Baudouin, airmail label 'cancelled' cachet showing the air leg was cancelled cover travelled by sea / train
- 1937 Bruxelles to Calcutta W KARACHI cancelled cachet.
- 1937 HALT postcard to Calcutta
Lot 593
First flights & commercial flights

Czechoslovakia 1929//1934 group of 6 airmail covers: 5 of which locally posted and to England, franked w. diff combinations of the 1922 airmail overprinted set Scott 202-204, 2 - Express ; 2- illustrated & 2 special airmail labels. Also 1934 cover forwarded to Holland Scott 312, 314.
Lot 594
Air Mail

1929 Czechoslovakia airmail, group of6 covers including 2 'Československé Státní Aerolinie' luggage labels ; 2nd issue airmails ; stationery illustrated covers ; first airmail and express mail.
- UZHHOROD Express airmail letter franked with mixed franking air-mail and postage stmp., i.a. Pof.L4-L5, with air-mail cancel. UZHHOROD 1/ 6.V.29 . Airmail label on reverse 'CSL. STATNI AEROLINE'
- PRAGUE to England 1929 (Sep. 20) mixed franking on Hotel stationery envelope bearing incl. strip of 3 50h. - II. Air provisional (Mi. 199, Yt: PA7, SG. 224)arrival cds on back.
- BRATISLAVA- PRAGUE 1929 Express Airmail 2nd issue set 50h-250h (Mi.199-201; Yt. PA7-9; SG. 224-226) on same day cover.
- 1934 'leteckou dopravu postovni dopravy' boxed cachet on cover to Holland
- 1929 First Flight Prague Uzhorod
- 1929 illustrated envelope airmail to England