Auction No. 47
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Lot 562
Brazil Zeppelin Flight 1930: Rio de Janeiro to New York flight on May 24. Rio de Janeiro, with transit marks in Recife on May 28th, 1930, featuring a special cachet. Envelope franked with the Universal Postal Union (UPU) letter rate of 300 Rs for surface mail, and an airmail Graf Zeppelin stamp, especially used for correspondence to Europe, at a rate of 10,000 Rs. This envelope was sent by dealer F.W. vom Meister, an official Zeppelin agent in the USA, identified by the 5-digit stamp on the front cover.
Lot 563
Sudamerikafahrt. Zepplin.
United States, 1930: April 25, Europe-Pan-American Flight Round Trip from New York to New York. Legal-size cover featuring Zeppelins (C13-C14) and all airmail stamps issued from February 13, 1926. Included stamps: Map of the U.S. & two planes set of 3 (Scott # C7-C9). ; Spirit of St. Louis (Scott # C10) ; Beacon on Sherman Hill (Scott #C11) ; Winged Globe (Scott #C12) ; Canceled with multiple New York duplex handstamps on April 25, adorned with German and U.S. flight cachets, small Round Trip cachet, and the green May 31 Lakehurst Zeppelin receiver on the reverse side. Sieger 64 DI
1931 Vaduz-Lausanne Flight, June 10 (Sieger 110 Da), Liechtenstein 1fr. Zeppelin stamp tied by bright red Zeppelin flight handstamp cachet, "Vaduz c 10.VI.31" type 3circular datestamp (carries a 15% premium) at the center, bold "Lausanne Poste Aerienne Suisse 10.VI.31" circular datestamp, addressed to Switzerland, Extremely Fine, a very rare combination of the two rare cancels, Sieger €4,312 (3,750 plus 15% premium) ($4,660).
Russia Zeppelin 1931 Polar Flight postcard, flown on the Graf Zeppelin's historic expedition from Leningrad to Franz-Josef Land, with a rendezvous with Icebreaker Malygin. The card is franked with imperforate Zeppelins (Scott. C26, C29; Michel. No. 402B, 404B), comprising 30k & 1r respectively. Postmarks include a three-line Zeppelin "Leningrad - Nordpole," an on-board red Polarfahrt confirmation stamp, and a red hand stamp "Franz-Josef Land" denoting ship transit.
Hungary 1931, Budapest, Graf Zeppelin 127 Postcard to Automobil Club Hungary. Si. # 102Aa , franked with 1p. Zeppelin overprint and airmail stamps sc. C-13 and C-25, Postmarked March 28, 1931.
Iceland 1931 card flown on the Graff Zeppelin to England via Germany. Franked with Icland Zeppelin overprinted stamps 30F. 1Kr. (SG. 179/80 ; Sc. C9/C10 ; Mi. 162/163), proper flight cancels.
Finland 1930 Zeppelin 10m. overprint in red 'Zeppelin 1930' Scott #C1, Michel no.161. MNH.