Auction No 48
Lot 572
Israel, Bank of Israel Pick # 26a 1955 5 Lirort. S/N ל 544028 UNC
Lot 573
Israel. Bank of Israel Lot of two notes 1955 Pick # 27a 10 Lirot Red S/N ז 129727 .
Pick # 27b 10 Lirot Black S/N 482594 ט/1. Unc
Lot 574
Israel. Bank of Israel Pick # 27a Red S/N 1955, 10 Liraa group of 5 notes suitable for prefix collector. All Unc
ו - 037605
327388 - ז
030180 - ח
276547 - י
897973 - כ All Au - Unc.
Lot 575
Israel. Bank of Israel Pick # 27a Bed S/N 1955, 10 Liraa group of 3 notes suitable for prefix collector. All Unc
ו - 616344
950173 - י
218363 - מ All Unc
Lot 576
Israel. Bank of Israel Pick # 28b 50 Lirot 1955 Black S/N א800428. AU
Israel. Bank of Israel Pick # 28b 50 Lirot 1955 Black S/N א042398. AU
Lot 578
Israel. Bank of Israel Pick # 28a 50 Lirot 1955 Red S/N ג 094655 VG
Israel, Bank of Israel 500 prutah - 50 Lirot lot of 7 banknotes 1955, uncirculated. Unc.
500 pruta SN 492977י
1 lira SN 279584ע.
5 lirot SN 8187180מ.
10 lirot SN 010779א.
10 lirot SN/R 533148ב.
50 lirot SN 560854.
50 lirot SN/R 256462ג.
Lot 580
Israel. Bank of Israel 1958 a set of two banknotes, catalog P-31 5 lirot with a misprint in the serial number. One number is moved up.
Upper left side 453297 צ/2
lower right side 843025 צ/2. AU-UNC
Lot 581
Israel, Bank Israel P-35c lot of 4 Consecutive Blue serial numbers 81709720 ,21, 22, 23, ז/1 All UNC
Lot 582
Israel, Bank Of Israel 1958 / 5718 5 Lirot. P-31a S/N 000888 G/2. PMG-65EPQ.
Lot 583
Israel, Bank Of Israel 1958 / 5718 5 Lirot. P-31a S/N 000777 G/2. PMG-65EPQ.