Auction No 48
- (-) Remove World Banknotes filter World Banknotes
- Albania (1) Apply Albania filter
- Bangladesh (1) Apply Bangladesh filter
- Cambodia (2) Apply Cambodia filter
- Cape Verde (1) Apply Cape Verde filter
- China (People's Republic) (11) Apply China (People's Republic) filter
- Congo (1) Apply Congo filter
- Costa Rica (7) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Cuba (1) Apply Cuba filter
- Czechoslovakia (1) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- Denmark (3) Apply Denmark filter
- Dominican Republic (1) Apply Dominican Republic filter
- Egypt (5) Apply Egypt filter
- Germany (2) Apply Germany filter
- Great Britain –Channel Islands & Isle of Man (1) Apply Great Britain –Channel Islands & Isle of Man filter
- Greenland (1) Apply Greenland filter
- Hong Kong (1) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Japan (1) Apply Japan filter
- Madeira (1) Apply Madeira filter
- Mali (1) Apply Mali filter
- Mexico (3) Apply Mexico filter
- Netherlands (1) Apply Netherlands filter
- Ottoman banknotes (2) Apply Ottoman banknotes filter
- Pakistan (1) Apply Pakistan filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Philippines (1) Apply Philippines filter
- Romania (14) Apply Romania filter
- Saint Thomas & Prince (1) Apply Saint Thomas & Prince filter
- Sierra Leone (1) Apply Sierra Leone filter
- Slovenska (1) Apply Slovenska filter
- Spain (1) Apply Spain filter
- Swaziland (1) Apply Swaziland filter
- Tonga (1) Apply Tonga filter
- Uruguay (2) Apply Uruguay filter
- USA (15) Apply USA filter
- Zaire (1) Apply Zaire filter
CHINA--REPUBLIC. The Central Bank of China. 1 Yuan, 1936. P-216a. S/N L/V 273727 - Sign. #5 PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ.
CHINA--REPUBLIC. The Central Bank of China. 1 Yuan, 1936. P-216a. S/N L/V 273727 - Sign. #5 PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ.
1918 China Tung Yung Piao 2 Jiao 20 Cents Banknote - UNC - # 31957
1949. lot of 3 X China, KIANGSI PROVINCIAL BANK, S1089CA, S1089D, S1089E, 10/20/50 Cents. Unc
China Banknotes / Japanese Military WWII Pick # M29 S/M#732-5 ND 1945. 100 Yan Block 1. Cho/Unc 64.
2006 Congo Democratic Republic Specimen Banknote 20000 Francs P-104as Unc.
Congo D.R. 5000 Francs 30.6.2013 Specimen P.102s Unc.
Congo Democratic Republic 5000 Francs 2005 Specimen P# 102s, N# 216767; # R0000000a; Unc.
Congo Democratic Republic 50 Francs Specimen 2007 P-97s Unc Uncirculated.
Congo Democratic Republic P84as Specimen 50 Centimes 1997 Unc.
Rare Congo 500 Francs Banknote Specimen - 6890 Unc (+Free 1 B/Note) #18006
Congo Dem. Rep. 10 Francs 1-11-1997 Pick 87a.S Unc Specimen Banknote G&D
Congo Dem. Rep. 10 Francs 3-6-2003 Pick 93.S Unc Uncirculated Specimen G&D (X-2).
Lot 614
Costa Rica, Banco De Costa-Rica Pick # S174r ND (19091-08) 10 Colones - Printer: ABNC S/N C 22104. Remainder.
Lot 615
Costa Rica, Banco Anglo-Costarricense Pick # S121r 1917 1 Colon - Printer: ABNC S/N A061481 Remainder.
Lot 616
Costa Rica, Banco Anglo-Costarricense Pick # S122r ND (1903-17) 5 Colones - Printer: BWC S/N A 120505 Remainder.
Lot 617
Costa Rica, Banco Anglo-Costarricense Pick # S123r ND (1903-17) 10 Colones - Printer: BWC S/N A 77239 - Remainder.
Lot 618
Costa Rica, Banco De Costa Rica Pick # S163r1 1899 5 Pesos - Printer: ABNC S/N 79811 Remainder.
Lot 619
Costa Rica, Banco De Costa-Rica Pick # S173r ND (1901-08) 5 Colones - Printer: ABNC S/N #36029. Remainder.