Auction No 48
- (-) Remove World Wide Philately filter World Wide Philately
- Austria (3) Apply Austria filter
- Brazil (1) Apply Brazil filter
- British Empire Commonwealth (19) Apply British Empire Commonwealth filter
- Brunei (1) Apply Brunei filter
- Canada (8) Apply Canada filter
- China (Taiwan) (1) Apply China (Taiwan) filter
- Denmark (5) Apply Denmark filter
- Eesti (1) Apply Eesti filter
- Egypt (2) Apply Egypt filter
- France (19) Apply France filter
- France Colonies (4) Apply France Colonies filter
- German Colonies (11) Apply German Colonies filter
- German Offices Abroad (13) Apply German Offices Abroad filter
- German Reich (25) Apply German Reich filter
- German Zones (19) Apply German Zones filter
- Germany (14) Apply Germany filter
- Germany 1938 - 1945 (16) Apply Germany 1938 - 1945 filter
- Germany 1946 allied occupation (1) Apply Germany 1946 allied occupation filter
- Germany After WW2 (11) Apply Germany After WW2 filter
- Germany Early States (58) Apply Germany Early States filter
- Gibraltar (1) Apply Gibraltar filter
- Greece (2) Apply Greece filter
- Hong Kong (1) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Ireland (1) Apply Ireland filter
- Italian Colonies Territories & Occupations (1) Apply Italian Colonies Territories & Occupations filter
- Italy (1) Apply Italy filter
- Japan (2) Apply Japan filter
- Korea (South) (1) Apply Korea (South) filter
- Laos (3) Apply Laos filter
- Malawi (1) Apply Malawi filter
- Malaysia (1) Apply Malaysia filter
- Monaco (5) Apply Monaco filter
- Morocco (1) Apply Morocco filter
- Nauru (1) Apply Nauru filter
- Netherlands (24) Apply Netherlands filter
- Ottoman Empire (1) Apply Ottoman Empire filter
- Panama (1) Apply Panama filter
- Poland (1) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (1) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugal Colonies & Controlled Territories (2) Apply Portugal Colonies & Controlled Territories filter
- Russia (3) Apply Russia filter
- Russia Territories And Republics Occupations (1) Apply Russia Territories And Republics Occupations filter
- San Marino (2) Apply San Marino filter
- Singapor (1) Apply Singapor filter
- Slovakia (1) Apply Slovakia filter
- Solomon Island (1) Apply Solomon Island filter
- Southern Rhodesia (1) Apply Southern Rhodesia filter
- Swaziland (1) Apply Swaziland filter
- Switzerland (13) Apply Switzerland filter
- Thailand (1) Apply Thailand filter
- Tristan da Cunha (1) Apply Tristan da Cunha filter
- Turkey (1) Apply Turkey filter
- Uruguay (1) Apply Uruguay filter
- USA (2) Apply USA filter
Lot 363
Postal History
1830, Stampless diplomatic cover from Brussels to Mr. S. Chevalier C. Abreu e Lima, Brazilian Envoy to the Netherlands.
The cover is canceled with a red month-date CDS on both sides, indicating it was posted on August 17, 1830, and received the following day in Brussels. Rate markings are visible on the reverse.
The letter, written in Portuguese, discusses financial matters, mentioning "Deposito" (deposit) and "Londres" (London), suggesting international correspondence. It references payments, debts, and a "negociante de Paris" (merchant from Paris), with the writer requesting the recipient’s assistance in resolving these issues.
Lot 364
Postal History
1852 Guglielmo III 5c Dark Blue Mi No. 1a Pl-I, large margins bottom marginal example, tied by clear GOUDA / FRANCO 4. Jul. 53. to Rotterdam, arrival cds on reverse.
1852 - 1864. MiNr: 1-6. (53 diff stamps) The first stamp issues of the Netherlands. Essays, used, colors, and characteristics of the different printing plates, rare cancellations, representation of the other inland postage rates, and overseas frankings.
Lot 366
Judaica Ottoman Postcard Rare 1908 Jericho Jordan Hotel Sent From Jerusalem To Germany 27 May 1908.
Lot 367
1915 opening of the Panama Canal Exhibition 5 stamps from the set. MiNr: 93,94,96,97 and 98 all hinged.
The year of issue is 1860. This is the first stamp of the Polish Kingdom (Congress Poland), with the agle—the Polish coat of arms/ emblem.
Face value: ZA ŁÓT KOP. 10. Single stamp MiNr: €640.
Lot 369
Air- Mail
Portugal 1952 Sc 747-48 Nato 1e & 3.5e Mint Never Hinged Original Gum Very Fine MNH. 350.
Lot 370
1933-34 TIMOR, MiNr: 210-230 “Portugal” and “Sao Gabriel” Ships - 21 MH Values*
Russian, 1945. Pair of vertically MH emperf perforation between, MiNr: 970 UMs. Cat€300.
Russian, 1935 Pair of horizontally signed stamps without perforation between, MiNr: UMw. Cat Uero800. them
Lot 373
RUSSIA- ZEMSTVO VOLCHNSK blook of 4 no gum and 1 Singel w/gum. the blook is sigend by experd
1920 Tartu Registered cover franked w. 1919 Definitives: 5penni ( Mi:EE 6, Sn:EE 29, Yt:EE 6, Sg:EE 6 ), 15 penni (x3) (Mi:EE 9, Sn:EE 31, Yt:EE 8, Sg:EE 8), and 1921 1 mark (Mi:EE 12y, Sn:EE 34a, Sg:EE 11b,) all tied with 8.3.20 [issue day for the 1 mark Viking Ship (grey paper)] arrival CDS Jelgawa*a Latwija 11.3.20. on back.