Auction No 48
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- (-) Remove Germany Early States filter Germany Early States
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- Hamburg (4) Apply Hamburg filter
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- North German Federation (5) Apply North German Federation filter
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- Ptussia (2) Apply Ptussia filter
- Saxony (2) Apply Saxony filter
- Thurn & Taxis (3) Apply Thurn & Taxis filter
- Wuettemberg (15) Apply Wuettemberg filter
- (-) Remove Germany Early States filter Germany Early States
Lot 183
German Prussia, Lot of 3 Covers, Catalog Value €260 (used stamps)
- 1 Sg. Pre-stamp stationery cover: Affixed with an additional 2 Sg. blue imperforate (Michel No. 11a), tied with a rectangular Bismarck postmark, addressed to Belgrade.
- 4 Pf. Imperf. dark green (Michel No. 9a, Sc. 1a) on a Hamburg commercial cover, dated 1860.
- 1 Sg. Imerf. carmine rose (Michel No. 10a, Scott No. 6a) tied with a 4-ring numeral postmark "1439".
Lot 184
German States, Prussia – Lot of Two Folded Letters:
- 1 Silbergroschen rose (Sc. 6, $325) with fresh colors and full margins, neatly canceled with a boxed "Stassfurt 29 8" mark. Addressed to Mr. Cohen in Dessau, with an arrival CDS on the reverse.
- 3 Silbergroschen orange (Sc. 13; Mi. 12a) on a commercial folded letter, canceled with a boxed "Stettin 8 6" mark, sent to Vienna. Arrival CDS on the reverse. cover fold through stamp.
German Bavaria, lot of 2 folded letters;
- 1853, German Bavaria – Folded letter franked with a 3 Gr. yellow (Mi. No. 6) tied with a screen postmark, and a rectangle handstamp in black from Pulsnitz, dated September 20, 1853. The letter is addressed to Main Stockheim b. Kitzingen. On the reverse, it shows same-day Leipzig-Dresden circular date stamp and a horseback mail postmark from Kitzingen, dated September 22.
- 1858, German Bavaria – commercial folded letter franked with a 3 Gr. yellow (Mi. No. 6) tied with a screen postmark, posted Leipzig to Weiskirchen, Moravia
1858, Germany - Saxony: Folded letter franked with 5 Gr. (Mi. No. 12a, Sc. 13), tied with a circular No. 2 postmark from Leipzig. The cover bears a "Recomandirt" (registered) red box handstamp and a circular 'Leipzig 7'/3 pmk on the front. It is addressed to Königsberg, with a next-day arrival CDS on the reverse. The back also features a red wax seal.
1861, Thurn and Taxis commercial cover franked with 3 Kr. red (Mi. No. 16) and 1 Sgr. blue (Mi. No. 15), both tied with a circular grid numeral postmark '287' and a Gross Breitenbach July 13, 1861 CDS alongside. The cover, bearing a business cachet, is addressed to Königsberg, with a transit CDS on the reverse.
1857, Thurn and Taxis folded letter from Saalfeld to Königsberg i. Pr. (now Kaliningrad, Russia), bearing a mixed franking of 3Kr and 6Kr (Mi. 9, 12), both tied by #300 ring cancel with Saalfeld 15/12 CDS alongside. Transit and arrival postmarks on the reverse
1860, Thurn and Taxis folded letter franked with ¼ Gr. (Mi. No. 1) and 1 Gr. (Mi. No. 11), tied by a 4-ring postmark and Varenholz CDS dated January 26, 1860. The mixed franking and Varenholz postmark from a small town make this cover rare,
1857, Wurttemberg folded letter franked with 3Kr orange , margins all around except just in at upper right, Mi. No. 2c, Scott 2a Catalog Value € 1,000 posted from ELM to Riedlingen.
1861 Sheetletter send from Ellwangen 18 May 61 Franket with MiNor: 16xa 1Kr. Cat. 750 VF
1854, Germany Cover franked with 9 kr. Wurttemberg (Scott #5, Michel #4), tied with Tübingen Feb 3 c.d.s. to Berlin. Arrival postmark on reverse dated 4 FEB.
1851, Württemberg, folded letter franked with 3Kr Mi. No. 2, tied with Tübingen 22 Dec 1851 CDS in blue, posted to Nagold. A two-line date handstamp on the reverse: 23 Dec 51. VF.
1852 Wurttemberg folded letter bears 3 Kr. black/yellow in mixed franking with 6 Kr. on yellowish green. (Mi. No 3, 6)stamps are with fresh colours and mostly well-margined. tied with blue double ring Heilbronn 17 Jan 1852 CDS. Brumen arrival pmk on revere.