Auction No 48
- (-) Remove World Wide Philately filter World Wide Philately
- (-) Remove German Colonies filter German Colonies
- Caroline Islands (Karolinen) (3) Apply Caroline Islands (Karolinen) filter
- China : Jiaizhou Bay (Kiautschou) (2) Apply China : Jiaizhou Bay (Kiautschou) filter
- German South West Africa: Togo (1) Apply German South West Africa: Togo filter
- Mariana Islands (Marianen) (3) Apply Mariana Islands (Marianen) filter
- Marshall Islands (1) Apply Marshall Islands filter
- Samoa (1) Apply Samoa filter
- (-) Remove German Colonies filter German Colonies
Lot 204
1900 TOGO / Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M, MH, without watermark; very fine, only 5Pfg used, MH, VF marginal etc..; cat. 270€
Lot 205
1900 Germany stamps overprinted Karolinen in black at a 56-degree angle. MiNr: 1-6II Cat. 550 Euro, signend by R.STEERU BPP.
Lot 206
1900 CAROLINE ISLANDS Mi.7-19, MH Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M; complete set, very fine, cat. 250€
1905 KAROLINEN - PONAPE half stamp 10Pf Mi.9 tied with negative postmark Caroline Islands PONAPE Bisect Mi9H Seal Cancel
Lot 208
1901 MARIANEN / Mi.7-19, (10Pf used) MH Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M, without watermark; very fine, cat. 200€
Lot 209
1900 DEUTSCH NEU-GUINEA, Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M without watermark; very fine, MH cat. 260€S
1900 MARIANA ISL. / Mi.1II - 6II, "Krone -Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint MARIANEN 56°; very fine, cat. 650.€
Lot 211
1901 Marschall Inseln, Mi.13-25, Emperor´S Yacht 3pfg-5m, (25,30,40,50,80 Used) Set Without Watermark; Mostly *¤ Cat. 300€
Lot 212
SAMOA / 1900 Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M, without watermark; very fine, cat. 220€
Lot 213
1901 KIAUCHAU Mi 6-17, Emperor´s Yacht 5Pfg-5M, All used except 3-5M hinged, without watermark; very fine set, cat. 730€; rare offer
1905 KIAUCHAU / Mi.28-37, Emperor´s Yacht 1C - $2 1/2; with 1 watermark 1, Mint and used, cat. 330€