Auction No 48
1946, Allied Zones, Stamp Exhibition Perf. and Imperf. blocks on 2 covers, canceled ‘Berlin 11.12.46. + Waldenburg’ ‘5 RM. for Refugees and Elderly Homes’,. Mi. Bl. 12a +12b. 400€
1949 Hannover Export Messe souvenir sheet (Mi. No. BL1, Sc. B300) and 20+10 Pf (Sc. B305) stamp on a mixed franking cover, canceled with 'MÜNCHEN 29/7/49', posted to Israel.
Lot 271
Air- Mail
Germany 1949 American-British zone, Souvenir sheet issue ‘Export Fair Hanover 1948’ mixed franking with and the 2 penny help for the needy on Registered FD cover to Hamburg with arrival and First flight cds on back. in good condition, Bl. 1a, 500€
German local issues, Bad Gottleube, blackened 3th Reich commemorative stamp, Hitlers birthday 1942, with "Town seal" overprint, mnh. Expertised/signed: STURN. A absolut rare stamp in a good condition.
German local issues, Chemnitz 4, with blackening from Hitlers face, 7 different Hitler stamps, mnh, each stamp expertised/signed. Richter.
German local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (1 to 5 Reichsmark) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 20 II to 23 II complete, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM, Rare and hard to find.
German local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (10 + 12 Pfennik) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 24 + 25 I, MNH, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM. extremly rare.
German local issues, Wurzen. Proofs. Hitler stamps, 6, 10 + 12 Pfennig, in stripes of 3 with different coplor overprints. Mnh and expertised/signed. ZIERER BPP Very rare.
German local issues, Wurzen. Hitler stamps, 10 + 12 Pfennig, blockened with blackening from Hitlers face, Michel No. 21 +22, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed. STURM.
German local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (10 + 12 Pfennik) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 24 + 25 II, MNH, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM. extremly rare and vnot easy to find.
German local issues. Schwarzenberg. Hitler stamps (1 to 5 Reichsmark) blackended with "Manor" withuout inscription Schwarzenberg" overprint. Michel No. 20 to 23 I complete, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM and ZIERER BPP. Rare and hard to find.
German local issues, Wurzen. Hitler stamps, 1 to 5 Reichsmark, blackened with blackening Hitlers face, Michel No.20B, I, II and III, complete, mnh, in perfect condition, each stamp expertised/signed: STURM aND ZIERER BPP.