Auction #38: Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Worldwide Coins & Worldwide Banknotes
This auction features Worldwide Postal History Especially Holyland Foreruners Postcards And Covers, Large Collection Of Gold Coins From All Over The World. And Huge Amount Of Banknotes. Other Interesting Items Included As Well.
Opening $50
USSR with face value of 2250 rubels with text (Helping for starving people of Volga) Stamp is non-perforated, According to the results of examination concluded that the stamo of RSFSR postal charity issee is aithentic. Cat. No 19 PP I. Issue 1921 on thin paper (0.05mm). Picture size 55.8 x 34.8mm.
Quality remaks: stamp is with restored(regummed): visible signs of straightened bends: on the top of stamp (on face value numbers) wiped horizontal line which goes through entire image of stamp. includ P/T
Plants: Flowers & trees