Auction #38: Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Worldwide Coins & Worldwide Banknotes
This auction features Worldwide Postal History Especially Holyland Foreruners Postcards And Covers, Large Collection Of Gold Coins From All Over The World. And Huge Amount Of Banknotes. Other Interesting Items Included As Well.
Opening $200
COLLECTION of "Preliminary Pencil Drawings and Sketches" in black & white and colour, for issue of Israel Postage Stamps. original artwork after corrections, original colour designs submitted, presentation of the printing process and poster colour separation, final designers proofs. Also include colour proof of Painting by the Israeli painter "Ludwig Blum. All the artwork by designer "ASHER KALDERON, MOSHE FARG, ASAF BERG" also include his autograph. 7 DIFF Drawings and Sketches" in black & white and colour
Israel Essays, Proofs & Design Art Work