Auction #39: Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Worldwide Coins & Worldwide Banknotes.
Collection. civil ADMINISTRATION, The First Local Overprint "JERUSALEM I" (Arabic 8mm long) 1920 1 Sept. perf 15 x 14 Setting I & Setting II
Palestine Colection 1918 to 1945 - Plate Varieties, the British Mandate stamp collection organized in album pages including The Blues No 1a, and Typographed Staqmps includ Plete Varieties Jerusalem I includ pair of SG-19d, 21 used, 23, 25 mint, 33 vertical oair short F, usaed, 41 mint, 43 mint, Jerusalem II SG 43 Mint, LONDON I SG-69 used, LONDON II SG-35 used c/a and mint shifted to left, 81, 82, includ Pictorials Plate Varieties & 90mil x 4, and Postage Due I, II. all very fain. A special collection of Plete Varieties, catalog value about $ 3,500
Palestine 1930 Booklet nr. 4a. Pictorial stamps : 2 mils prussian blue, 3 mils apple green and 5 mils orange (Bale nr, 90, 91 and 93) on vertically ribbed paper. This bppklet is genuine but missing two nr. 90 and eight nr. 91.; This booklet is rare. includ PH Cert. by K. Kaufmann.
Palestine Booklet. Air mail labels, 4 panes x 2 labels include 4 of advertising panes. The advrtising pages are glued on the label. very rear.
Palestine Booklet. Air mail labels, 4 panes x 2 labels include 5 of advertising panesm light toning, very rear. XF.
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale # B.12 re-staple, without stamps (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 3250.00
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale #B.11 re-staple, without stamps (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 3250.00
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale #B.12 re-staple, with owe pane 6: 2x6 (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 3250.00
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale #B.14 re-staple, without stamps (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 3250.00
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale #B.3 re-staple, witho 2 x 3m, 2 x 3m, 1 x 2m 2 x 2m, stamps (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 3000.00
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale #B.3 re-staple, without stamps (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 4000.00
Palestine Stamps Pictorials Issue - Booklet Bale #B.4a re-staple, with 2 panes 6: 5x6 stamps (all advertisement interleavings pages included). Catalog value for full booklet $ 4000.00