Auction #39: Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Worldwide Coins & Worldwide Banknotes.
1920 - 1950. Cardboard with about 100 different items envelopes and Judaica postcards.
Collection of 10 Russia coins C # 129, 167.1, 70, 141,135.1, 89.1, 89.2,. And 1 coin from Hungry - Leopold. all sulver coins.
1948-1952. lot of 12 diff FDC w/o tabs inclod 1-9 and PD1-PD5 Postage Due.
1948-2017, Collection of Israeli stamps including Doar Ivri Bale: 1-9, Grey paper Bale: 3a-6a, Rouletted Bale: 1c-3c, Doar Ivri Bale: 1d-6d Perf 10x11, Bale: 4e, 3mil Perf 10x10 (hinged), Postage Due PD1-PD5, 1948 New Year 10-14, 10b-14b, 10c-14c, 1949 Bale: I.D.F. 18-20 . All Collection stamps with tabs organized in three albums of El HABUL stamp collection includes all the Israeli stamps WITH TABS & stamp sheets MSS Multiple Sheets and memory blooks. Except 3M perforation 10 X 10 hinged. A special and very clean collection of high catalog value. It is possible to get a specialist's approval for the special items.
Estimate: $ 12.000.00 - 17.000.00
1971 2000. Collection of stamps of Uruguay Organized 12-page album including stamps, S/S and blocks and air mail postcards.
268 booklets mint N.H. incl G.B. &Commonwealth all Elizabeth II proiod & Europe states as Germany, Holand, France (red crosse) etc, also Palawa atc. V.E. & LOT eSTIMATE 240/280$. Bargain at.
COLLECTION AUSTRIA LEVANT & HOLY LAND. caollec. 168 stps most vsed Levant & some Lombardo, w, many better as. 5pias.F.J. 1891 ISSYE W. caifa red pmk, as well 1908 issue 10 pias, w. Jerusalem green pmk.!, at least 20% w.clear Holy Land's pmk's. tOTAL VAL. 1200-Euro, w/o couting premium fpr Holy Land's pmk'a. olso 1875 F.J. 2 soldi Type II used (2000 - €) not coutted. as is. In edition A mixte Franking cov. Krs & Soldi to Nurenberg w. arrivel.
LIECHTENSTEIN Collection 1912-1983 Organized in Album Lighthouse incud MiNr: 53/60, 64,54B,65/70,72/74,75/76,82/89, 102B,104B,105B.108/113,114/115,116/118,140/142, 304A,305B,309, BL-1 "VADUSA" ,BL-5,BL-197, all original gum Some of the stamps with tropical points. for mint stamps Cat EUR 17.367
Mistory Album classics & rare items, immense value. Bargain at.
MYSTERY BOX. Collection from the world includes stamps, envelopes and postcards. Organized in two large cartons.
Collection of stamps bearing ships and a number of postcards from around the world. Organized in 12 special Lindnier linens on illustrated pages, all stamps in clean condition.
Suisse 1936-1963 A collection of 19 different blocks from Switzerland some are used and some are mint catalog value 1324 Euros. includ lot of used stamps 390. Euro Total 1714. Euro.