Auction No. 44
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1948 DIASPORA I, used full sets of 10 on the page (10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 42-51a) TEL AVIV violet. pmk. all original gum MNH. Cat. $125++
Lot 86
Postal History
R - Cover from Petah-Tiqva franked w/thre diaspora stamp Bale: 45a, 46a, 48a. vf
Lot 87
Postal History
1948, cover sent from Ma'abrot franked with 10m Bale: 47c red overprint, on reverse postmark arrival Haifa.
1948 DIASPORA I, used full sets of 10 on the envelope (10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 42-51g) HAIFA pmk. Cat. $275++
1948 DIASPORA I, used full sets of 10 on the page (10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 42-51) TEL AVIV pmk. aall original gum MNH. Cat. $130++
1948 DIASPORA I, used full sets of 10 on the page (10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 42-51f) HAIFA pmk. aall original gum MNH. Cat. $350++
1948 DIASPORA I, used full sets of 10 on the page (10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 42-51b) HAIFA pmk. aall original gum MNH. Cat. $130++
1948 DIASPORA I, used full sets of 10 on R- envelope from Natania(10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 42-51d) Red TEL AVIV pmk. Cat. $425++
Lot 93
Postal History
Envelop with 9 + 1 stamps Diaspora II Bale: 52-60f. No-54 duplicate PMK Haifa black overprint. not send. includ interim cover with Bale: 29b and 29d red overprint. Cat $428.
1948 DIASPORA IV, used full sets of 10 on the page (10 stamps), fine-v.f. and hard to duplicate (Bale 72-81d) HAIFA pmk. aall original gum MNH. Cat. $370++
Lot 95
Postal History
Cover send from Haifa by R- post Bale: 14c. 32. 50b.
Lot 96
Postal History
Cover sent bay RX - from Peth - Tiqva to Rehovot franked with Bale: 4, 43, 44, 49.