Auction No 48

Tel aviv, Mar 31

Lot 147


Opening $80

Lot of 2 Prussia Covers: 1866 & 1868, Various Frankings & Postmarks:

  • 1866, Germany Prussia – Folded letter franked with a horizontal strip of three 4 Pf. green stamps (Mi. No. 14a), sent to Königsberg. The total franking of 12 pfennig corresponds to the postal rate for a single-weight letter traveling over 100 km. The letter is tied with a Wehlau (Nov. 14) CDS and addressed to Königsberg.
  • 1868, Germany Prussia – Folded letter franked with a 4 Pf. stamp, tied with a partial blue CDS postmarked from Bremen on January 1st. Same-day transit via Weilheim (backstamp on reverse), with an arrival postmark also visible, along with a Kleinwalde horse postmark on the reverse.


Germany Early States