Auction No 48

Tel aviv, Mar 31

Lot 405

First flights & commercial flights

Opening $150

11927, Premier Salon International de l'Aviation et de la Navigation, Marseille
Cover bearing stamps with overprints: Bleriot & Poste Aérienne, Yv. #1-2 / Mi. #220-221. Registered mail with I2 Fr. and 5 F5 franking, tied with three Marseille first-day special event postmarks dated 25/6/27. The cover also features Par Avion and Mail Flugpost labels.

The cover was delivered to Bern, Switzerland, traveling from Marseille to Lyon. It arrived in Lyon on 26/6/27 and reached Bern on 27/6/27. Both postmarks appear on the back of the cover.

Air Mail & Aviation
M 6M