Auction No 48
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Lot 152
Postal History
1827, 1848 lot of two stampless folded letters posted from Bremen, Germany to Bordeaux, France
Lot 153
German States, Prussia Group of 4 Folded Letters:
- Two covers: One cover from Breslau and the other from Vlotho, each franked with a single 3 Sg. Bister (Scott #20, Michel #18) and 3 Sg. gray-brown (Scott #20a, Michel #18), both tied with rectangular postmarks.
- 1867 Berlin Registered Cover: Mixed franking of two 3 Sg. brown (Michel #17) and one 1 Sg. rose (Michel #20), all tied with a rectangular Registered handstamp in blue.
- Commercial Airmail to Liverpool: Franked with a mixed franking of 2 Sg. and 3 Sg. (Michel Nos. 17 and 18).
Lot 154
Postal History
Lot of two stampless sheet letters from Germany:
1794 – From Greding to Regensburg.
1853 – From Hemau to Regensburg.
1854 German state of Baden, 6 Kr. green (Mi. No. 3a), with 3 mm top margin and 7 mm bottom margin, cancelled with five-ring stamp '122' and neatly struck red Ra.2 ‘SALEM 26 JUL. ’(1854). on complete small folded cover posted to Weinfelden, with blue postmark on reverse dated July 28.
1859 German state of Baden, commercially folded letter posted from Mannheim on January 7. Franked with 3 Kr. blue (Sc. 7; Mi. No. 8), tied with numeral postmark '87' and adjacent 'MANNHEIM 7 Jan. 1859'. Arrival and transit postmarks from Dürkheim on reverse
1854 German state of Baden, 3 Kr. yellow (Mi. No. 2), with 7 mm top margin, cancelled with five-ring stamp '122' and neatly struck red Ra.2 'SALEM 12 FEB. 1854'. Complete small folded cover posted to Weinfelden.
1867 German state of Baden, commercially folded letter posted from Kehl on April 6, franked with 6 Kr. and 3 Kr. stamps (Mi. No. 19a and 18). Arrival postmarks in Regensburg on April 18 on reverse.
1853 German state of Baden, 3 Kr. yellow (Mi. No. 2), with 7 mm top margin, cancelled with five-ring stamp '122' and neatly struck red Ra.2 'SALEM 6 JAN 1853'. Complete small folded cover posted to Weinfelden. Arrival cds on reverse.
Byrne A set of 8 folded Sheet letters from different periods and different values 1859-1886 including stamps from various. 2 sheet letters MiNr: 10b. two cover MiNr: 2II 4, Tree covers with MiNr: 4II 2, 4II 3, And MiNr: 14. all vf
Bavaria, 1 December 1863, folded letter franked with a 9 Kreuzer ochre-brown (Mi. No. 11) postage, tied with an open Mühlradrad cancel "325" alongside a 2-line oblong stamp "BAHNHOF MÜNCHEN 1 Dec 1863". Addressed to Prague with an arrival box cancel on the reverse, dated 2 December 1863.
Lot 162
Bavaria, 2 May 1859, folded letter franked with a 12 Fr. red (Mi. No. 6) postage, tied with a neatly applied open Mühlradrad cancel "356" and an adjacent double circle cancellation. "NÜRNBERG 2 MAI. 1859" on a complete folded cover addressed to Steasnour (likely in Silesia or Eastern Europe). A very rare single franking for a heavy-weight cover.
Lot 163
Bavaria lot of two folded letters from Ludwigshafen:
- 1867 – Folded letter bearing a 3 Kreuzer carmine stamp with full margins, tied with an open Mühlrad cancel “291” alongside a semi-circle Ludwigshafen postmark (13.4.67). On the reverse, a semi-circle arrival mark from Straubing (14.4.67).
- 1873 – Folded letter franked with a 3 Kreuzer carmine (Mi. 23) with a corner nip, posted from Illkirch-Crafenstaden on 13.10.73.