Auction No 48
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Lot 211
1901 Marschall Inseln, Mi.13-25, Emperor´S Yacht 3pfg-5m, (25,30,40,50,80 Used) Set Without Watermark; Mostly *¤ Cat. 300€
Lot 212
SAMOA / 1900 Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M, without watermark; very fine, cat. 220€
Lot 213
1901 KIAUCHAU Mi 6-17, Emperor´s Yacht 5Pfg-5M, All used except 3-5M hinged, without watermark; very fine set, cat. 730€; rare offer
1905 KIAUCHAU / Mi.28-37, Emperor´s Yacht 1C - $2 1/2; with 1 watermark 1, Mint and used, cat. 330€
Lot 215
Germany, 1898 Michel 5 II. China 25 Pf. Reichspost (56*) Mnh. Cat. €100.
Germany, 1901 Michel 25. China 2 Mk. “ Nord and Syd” Reichspost Mnh. Cat. €110
Lot 217
Germany, 1898 Michel 4 II. China 20 Pf. Reichspost (56*) Mnh. Cat. €55
Germany, 1901 Michel 23I. China 80 Pf. Reichspost Mnh. Cat. €40
Germany, 1901 Michel 19. China 25 Pf. Reichspost Mnh. Cat. €35
Germany, 1901 Michel Nr.20 China 30 Pfennig Reichspost issue. rot/orange black on salmon paper. Mnh. Cat. €35
Germany, 1901 Michel Nr.24 China 1Mk. Nord and sud Reichspost, issue. red. Mnh. Cat. €120
Germany, 1905 Michel Nr.28 Gremam Post in Marokko 60ce on 5Pfg violet bleck. issue. Mnh. Cat. €70