Auction No 48
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1905, German Post in Morocco. Michel Nr.29, 1 Piaster on 80 Pfg. red brown black on pink. Mnh. Cat. €70
Lot 224
Germany, 1905 Michel Nr.20 Gremam Post in Marokko 5Pfg+5c Vaioket bleck. issue. Mnh. Cat. €35
1908, Gremam Post in Turkey. Michel Nr.52 100c and 80Pfg. Caramin red black. issue. Mnh. Cat. €190
1908, Gremam Post in Turkey. Michel Nr.51, 50c and 40Pfg Caramin and black. issue. Mnh. Cat. €110
1900 5 Pia. on 1 overprint type II, with PLF "color line from the right window to the right edge of the picture", clean canceled "Smyrna 30 / 11.04", certificate with photograph Jäschke-L. "... in flawless condition" (Mi. approx. 3.000, -)
Lot 228
1921, German Empire - Stamp booklet Germania - Michel 14.1, MNH (Mint never hinged) Fine stamp booklet no. 14.1, MNH. Catalog value €230 (Michel 2018).
1873 German Empire official card Mi. No. P2, franked with ½ Gr. (Mi. No. 18), cancelled with Stadt Königshütte CDS to Ohlau.
Lot 230
Postal History
1873, Deutch Reich Postcard franked with 1/4 g lilac and 1/3 g green (Mi. No. 16, 17) tied with Berlin April 1st. 1873 CDS.
Lot 231
Postal History
Deutsches Reich 1872, postcard Franked with two ¼ Gr. stamps, (Mi. No. 1, €550) tied with 'ADELNAU 10.12' framed handstamp sent to Breslau,
Lot 232
Advertising letter card & covers
1911, Germany Reich Scarce horizontal combination pair from the 5pf Reklamen booklet pane Michel HB 4 R4. 5Pf Germania stamp and an advertising label Mi R4W on a postcard from Aschersieben to Bad Pyrmont . Pair canceled with clear bridge type cancel 'ASCHERSLEBEN 3.7.11 8-9 N' . Nice and rare postage fair on clean and clear card. with 2002 J.P. Bach & M. Eichele certificate . Mi-W 2.4, cat. euro 1200
1873, Deutsche Postkarte Reichspost franked with ½ Gr orange (Mi. No. 3) tied with Königs Hütte June 18, cds. addressed to Ohlau.
Lot 234
Advertising letter card & covers
1911, Germany Reich Mi- W-2.10 €720. 1912 ("The stray Reklamen label") postcard to Berlin bearing the 5pf stamp and it's advertising label from the booklet pane - not attached. both tied w. cds 'Braunscburg 15.2.12'